About Us
Specialist Services, a Centurion company, is a global supplier of equipment, modular buildings and packaging solutions for people and equipment in the oil and gas, utility, petrochemical, power, renewables, government, and defense industries. Established in 1982 and headquartered in UAE, Specialist Services has developed an international capability in design, engineering, manufacture, installation and support across a broad range of products and services.

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Featured Products
Technical Buildings
We have a market leading ability to provide blast rated, fire rated and non-rated buildings that securely house process critical electrical and electronic equipment
E-Houses, Electrical Skids, Control Rooms, Local Equipment Rooms, Substation Modules, Remote Instrument Enclosures, energy Storage Enclosures, Datacentres, Skid Packages and Trailer Mounted Packages
Specialist Services provides a complete package of Early Production Facilities (EPF) that enables customers to bring wells on production faster.
Our EPF facilitate long-term data acquisition and analysis of produced fluid flow, pressure and temperature and assist you in the long-term planning for a permanent installation.
FLEX Accommodation
FLEX 20, 33 and 42 is our range of ABS-compliant Accommodation Modules, which can accommodate up to 12 men, providing floorplan flexibility.
Keeping your personnel safe and comfortable, FLEX Accommodation units can be hired as single modules or as a complete complex with the central corridor easily linking the units, and can be installed on all ABS-classed vessels worldwide.
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From a design concept to a great product
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+971 4 8164500 • sales@specserve.com