Specialist Services Secures Major US Air Forces Contract

In-line with Centurion’s commitment to serve our customers across a broad range of industries and markets, Specialist Services, part of Centurion Middle East & North Africa, has been awarded a new contract to supply key equipment to the United States Air Forces in Europe.

Following the successful deployment of Specialist Services’ Mobile Defensive Positions to an RAF base in 2023, the team has been awarded a new contract that will see additional systems deployed across multiple RAF bases hosting US Visiting Forces (USVF).

Each defensive position comprises a 1.5×1.5m guard cabin, specially designed to be capable of withstanding Armour-piercing ammunition. They also feature defensive firing ports offering 360-degree coverage, integrated security spot lighting, and a trailer for easy deployment throughout the installation.

Specialist Services is a specialist provider of cutting-edge solutions for military and government requirements. With a steadfast focus on modular construction, expeditionary basing, and deployable infrastructure, the team is dedicated to creating innovative environments that meet the unique customer requirements.

Learn more about Specialist Services’ Defense Solutions.