44 - Case Studies 2

Case Studies

Indirect Water Bath Heater with Burner Management System

February 19, 2017

Specialist Services designed and delivered their first skid mounted process heater with SIL 2 rated Burner Management System for Zone II Hazardous Area installation To provide our clients with solutions that increase the safety and efficiency of their operations, we have engineered and developed an innovative solution for Indirect Water Bath Heaters. Project: Indirect Water … Read more

77-module 150 man TLQ complex for Zakher Marine

January 31, 2017

Specialist Services designed and delivered their single largest rental contract till date for temporary living quarters (TLQ) Zakher Marine International awarded Specialist Services a rental contract to deliver a 150 man, ABS certified TLQ complex for a minimum contract duration of 615 days. Project: 77-module Temporary Living Quarters Complex Client: Zakher Marine International End User: … Read more

Refurbishment of Accommodation Units

September 15, 2015

Labtech Services Limited successfully completed a refurbishment project with a high standard finishing that significantly increased the life-span of existing accommodation areas In January 2015, an Aberdeen-based Drilling Company awarded Labtech Services Limited, a Specialist Services Group Company, a contract for upgrade and refurbishment of office spaces, mud laboratories and recreation areas on-board their drilling … Read more

Bespoke Permit Office and Tea Shack

July 26, 2015

Specialist Services Group designed and delivered a bespoke rental solution for a Permit Office and a Tea Shack to be used on an accommodation vessel in the North Sea In July 2014, Specialist Services was awarded a rental contract to deliver a Permit Office and a Tea Shack to support their client’s operation on an … Read more

20 Man Accommodation Extension for SBM

November 30, 2014

Specialist Services has successfully completed the 20 man accommodation extension project awarded by SBM On 2nd May 2013, SBM awarded Specialist Services the contract for EPC works for the 20 Man Accommodation module to be installed on a Floating Production Storage and Offloading (FPSO) for deep-water exploration and production offshore Brazil. Project: 20 Man Accommodation … Read more

24 Module Multi-Purpose TLQ Complex for Gulf Drilling International

September 30, 2014

Specialist Services designed and delivered a 24 module 46 man multi-purpose temporary living quarters (TLQ) complex on a rental basis for Gulf Drilling International Gulf Drilling International (GDI) awarded Specialist Services a rental contract to deliver a 24 module, multi-purpose, DNV certified TLQ complex to support their operations in Qatar with minimum rental contract duration … Read more

Crude Oil Custody Transfer Metering System for Emerson

August 2, 2014

Specialist Services has successfully completed the Crude Oil Custody Transfer Metering System project awarded by Emerson In September 2013, Emerson awarded Specialist Services the contract for a crude oil custody transfer metering system required for the Halfaya Project Surface Facility Phase Two. Project: Crude Oil Custody Transfer Metering System Client: Emerson End User: Petrochina / … Read more

48 Module 224 Man Accommodation Extension

June 24, 2014

Specialist Services announces the successful completion of the 48 module 224 man accommodation extension project for Sea Trucks Group within the agreed 16 weeks production period In November 2013, Sea Trucks Group awarded Specialist Services the contract for a 48 module accommodation extension required on one of their DP3 offshore construction vessels deployed for accommodation … Read more

58 Man Living Quarters for ConocoPhillips

October 10, 2013

Specialist Services announces the completion of the engineering, procurement, construction and load-out of a 58 Man Offshore Living Quarters on schedule, on budget and within weight requirements. This project had a number of key factors that dictated its design and made it one of Specialist Services most challenging projects to date. 1. Weight Restrictions A … Read more

Modular Construction Savings for Thailand’s Erawan Platform Living Quarters Extension

August 2, 2013

Specialist Services announces the completion of a 50 Man Offshore Living Quarters (LQ) Module extension now installed on the Erawan platform in the Gulf of Thailand. Designed and manufactured in 8 months, the LQ consists of 4, 2 and 1 Man Cabins laid out over 16 units on two levels. Living Quarters of this size … Read more