Labtech Services Limited successfully completed a refurbishment project with a high standard finishing that significantly increased the life-span of existing accommodation areas
In January 2015, an Aberdeen-based Drilling Company awarded Labtech Services Limited, a Specialist Services Group Company, a contract for upgrade and refurbishment of office spaces, mud laboratories and recreation areas on-board their drilling rig during the quayside visit to Invergordon.
Project: Refurbishment of Accommodation Areas
Client: Aberdeen-based Drilling Company
Location: Drilling rig offshore Shetland – North Sea
Project Completion: 17th May 2015
Project requirements
In January 2015, at the request of the client’s Rig Manager, Labtech was given the opportunity to supply two outfitters to carry out a destruct programme on-board the drilling rig, during the rig tow from Las Palmas de Gran Canaria to Invergordon, Rosshire. During the destruct programme, the client requested a full survey and report of the current status within the accommodation. Labtech submitted a full report with budgets and recommendations for upgrades of office spaces, mud laboratories and recreation areas.
The project timeline was set at 6 weeks and one of the key elements of the project was that the client had to have confidence in Labtech to complete the execution of the project prior to the rig sail-out.
Labtech executed surveys for each area and provided regular estimates of labour and materials quotations, designs, discussed changes, procured materials and delivered the complete scope on site. Due to the limited timescale of this project, the Labtech team ensured that the procurement of materials, work packs and labour resource was in place for the arrival of the rig at Quayside.
Following the extension of the project timeline to a total of 18 weeks, Labtech scope of work grew considerably with additional areas identified and requiring refurbishment. In addition to the original scope, and at the request of the client, following the high standard of finish to the original areas, Labtech were given the opportunity of increasing the scope of work with a further 5 areas for refurbishment during the extended period at Quayside.
Bespoke furniture such as workstations has been manufactured for the required upgrades and refurbishment, together with lighting, ceiling, wallcoverings and flooring, all of which had to be on site within the required timeframe and with high quality finishing.
Surveys and quotations have been completed and submitted to the client almost on a daily basis in order to progress with additional requirements. Labtech management travelled each week to site in order to liaise with client about all requirements and work progress.
Accommodation units – before: Accommodation units – after:

Mud Laboratory – before: Mud Laboratory – after:

Mud Logging Laboratory – before: Mud Logging Laboratory – after:

Cinema / Smokers Room – before: Cinema / Smokers Room – after:

During the time at Quayside, the 7 man offshore fit-out team worked diligently ensuring that the scope was carried out as per client’s specification to a high standard, in a safe manner resulting in over 5800 man-hours without incidents / accidents.
The high quality refurbishment work provided the client with more comfortable living and working environments as well as a significantly increased life-span of their current accommodation areas.
All areas identified by the client, that were subsequently quoted and accepted, have been completed to a very high standard prior to the rig departing Invergordon, throughout the project assistance from the client’s personnel on-board and management staff during the upgrades has been excellent.