Reinstatement and Modification of Portable Accommodation Modules for Sea Trucks Group

Reinstatement and Modification of Portable Accommodation Modules for Sea Trucks Group

In November 2016, Sea Trucks Group (STG) awarded Specialist Services the contract for the reinstatement and modification of the Accommodation Modules built for STG in 2014, to form a block 11 modules wide and 4 modules high.

Project: Reinstatement and Modification of Portable Accommodation Modules
Client: Sea Trucks Group
End User: INPEX
Location: Australian waters, 890km West of Darwin
Project Completion: 15th May 2017

Project requirements

Sea Trucks Group required reinstatement and modification works on the Accommodation Modules that Specialist Services manufactured and delivered to them in 2014. We have been awarded this reinstatement and modification job based on the excellent work we did on the 2014 project with a fast track execution, including a production schedule of all 48 modules reduced to 16 weeks. The new Accommodation Block was required to be modified in order to provide Accommodation, Locker Room, Washroom, Toilet, Office, Recreation and Conference facilities, accommodating up to 224 personnel on board. The modules were required to be connected to form a block 11 modules wide and 4 modules high.

Within the requirement, the existing Mess Room needed to be converted to a Gymnasium, and the Locker Room and Dry Store to be converted into Recreation Rooms. STG also required communication system upgrades, HVAC improvements, door and panel modifications, installation review and supply of required consumables for the new stacking arrangement, and supply of all materials required to complete the upgrade. Electrical engineering / drawing updates and a module stacking study were also required by STG for this project.


The project execution by Specialist Services has been carried out in line with STG requirements at the site in Batam, converting the Mess Room into a Gymnasium, and the Locker Room and Dry Store into Recreation Rooms, as per the drawings provided by the client.

Specialist Services team also completed the A/C drainage system upgrade, electrical and Fire & Gas interconnection cabling works, the provision of an Electrical Distribution Panel for each floor, as well as the upgrade of the communication system, which included the relocation of patch panels from outside the module into its interior and mounting required infrastructure to allow the installation of existing switches within the modules.

A total of 44 modules were installed on the Barge, connecting the modules to each other in rows of 11 modules with 4 stacking. The resulting Accommodation Facility was built in compliance with ABS guides for Portable Accommodation Modules and MLC (Maritime Labour Convention 2013).


In line with the project requirements, we provided a highly skilled team of specialists from our Dubai facility to manage the project and carry out the reinstatement and modification works at the client’s venue of choice, a shipyard in Batam, Indonesia.

The project was successfully completed by Specialist Services within the specified timeframe. At the end of the project were issued as built drawings incorporating all the modification works, and Specialist Services supported STG with the documentation requirements for obtaining an updated ABS certification.

The high quality modifications, upgrades and reinstatement works provided by Specialist Services resulted in comfortable living and working environments. All works have been completed to a very high standard and STG Management was very satisfied with Specialist Services’ team performance.

48 Module 224 Man Accommodation Extension

Specialist Services announces the successful completion of the 48 module 224 man accommodation extension project for Sea Trucks Group within the agreed 16 weeks production period

In November 2013, Sea Trucks Group awarded Specialist Services the contract for a 48 module accommodation extension required on one of their DP3 offshore construction vessels deployed for accommodation support on the Arkutun-Dagi Project in Sakhalin, Russia.

Project: 48 module 224 man accommodation extension
Client: Sea Trucks Group
Project Completion: 5th March 2014

Project requirements

Sea Trucks Group required a temporary increase in capacity of the accommodation and associated facilities onboard of their offshore construction vessels to support the project in Sakhalin and has subcontracted the provision of the required 48 module 224 man accommodation extension to Specialist Services. With the project expected to commence in Q2 of 2014, an extremely tight production deadline of 16 weeks was agreed, with project completion by 5th March 2014. Considering the limited time available for the production and installation of the accommodation units, Sea Trucks Group has demonstrated a confidence in our capabilities to deliver this project on time. In fact Specialist Services ability to provide an overall solution for accommodation units on a sale and/or hire basis gave us a unique solution which assured the client that the installation was guaranteed to be completed on time.


The project was challenging from the very beginning with the production schedule reduced to 16 weeks and Maritime Labour Convention (MLC) with ABS Ship Rules to be complied with. In order to complete the project on time, engineering and fabrication had to be done in tandem and this could be achieved only through the close cooperation between client, contractor and surveyor. Our in depth knowledge and experience in building such projects allowed us to take on such risk.


Our team worked exceptionally hard throughout all stages of this project. 50 staff and an average of over 200 men in the yards worked daily on the project during the production period, while the Engineering Team prepared and issued over 400 drawings to the client, ABS and shop floor. In the end we completed the project and handed it over to Sea Trucks Group in line with the agreed completion date with the units dispatched within 2 days to the Jebel Ali Port for shipping.



All 48 units are fully compliant to ABS, SOLAS A60 and Maritime Labour Convention (MLC) requirement for Temporary Accommodation and have been completed in line with Sea Trucks Group requirements to be installed on the vessel in four levels. The accommodation extension includes 28 modules with 56 four man accommodation units, 6 modules with conference room and 10 four man office units, two recreation rooms, a galley and mess, as well as locker rooms, laundry units, common wet units, chiller and freezer units, dry stores and a linen store. The design was made to allow eased integration along with flexibility where these units are used. Design head of the structure will allow modules to be placed on Sea Trucks Group entire fleet of vessels and are not just project specific.

The installation of the accommodation extension on the vessel in Batam, Indonesia, has been completed end of May 2014.