Refurbishment of Accommodation Units

Labtech Services Limited successfully completed a refurbishment project with a high standard finishing that significantly increased the life-span of existing accommodation areas

In January 2015, an Aberdeen-based Drilling Company awarded Labtech Services Limited, a Specialist Services Group Company, a contract for upgrade and refurbishment of office spaces, mud laboratories and recreation areas on-board their drilling rig during the quayside visit to Invergordon.

Project: Refurbishment of Accommodation Areas
Client: Aberdeen-based Drilling Company
Location: Drilling rig offshore Shetland – North Sea
Project Completion: 17th May 2015

Project requirements

In January 2015, at the request of the client’s Rig Manager, Labtech was given the opportunity to supply two outfitters to carry out a destruct programme on-board the drilling rig, during the rig tow from Las Palmas de Gran Canaria to Invergordon, Rosshire. During the destruct programme, the client requested a full survey and report of the current status within the accommodation. Labtech submitted a full report with budgets and recommendations for upgrades of office spaces, mud laboratories and recreation areas.

The project timeline was set at 6 weeks and one of the key elements of the project was that the client had to have confidence in Labtech to complete the execution of the project prior to the rig sail-out.


Labtech executed surveys for each area and provided regular estimates of labour and materials quotations, designs, discussed changes, procured materials and delivered the complete scope on site. Due to the limited timescale of this project, the Labtech team ensured that the procurement of materials, work packs and labour resource was in place for the arrival of the rig at Quayside.

Following the extension of the project timeline to a total of 18 weeks, Labtech scope of work grew considerably with additional areas identified and requiring refurbishment. In addition to the original scope, and at the request of the client, following the high standard of finish to the original areas, Labtech were given the opportunity of increasing the scope of work with a further 5 areas for refurbishment during the extended period at Quayside.

Bespoke furniture such as workstations has been manufactured for the required upgrades and refurbishment, together with lighting, ceiling, wallcoverings and flooring, all of which had to be on site within the required timeframe and with high quality finishing.

Surveys and quotations have been completed and submitted to the client almost on a daily basis in order to progress with additional requirements. Labtech management travelled each week to site in order to liaise with client about all requirements and work progress.

Accommodation units – before:                                                 Accommodation units – after:

Mud Laboratory – before:                                                           Mud Laboratory – after:

Mud Logging Laboratory – before:                                             Mud Logging Laboratory – after:

Cinema / Smokers Room – before:                                             Cinema / Smokers Room – after:


During the time at Quayside, the 7 man offshore fit-out team worked diligently ensuring that the scope was carried out as per client’s specification to a high standard, in a safe manner resulting in over 5800 man-hours without incidents / accidents.

The high quality refurbishment work provided the client with more comfortable living and working environments as well as a significantly increased life-span of their current accommodation areas.

All areas identified by the client, that were subsequently quoted and accepted, have been completed to a very high standard prior to the rig departing Invergordon, throughout the project assistance from the client’s personnel on-board and management staff during the upgrades has been excellent.

Bespoke Permit Office and Tea Shack

Specialist Services Group designed and delivered a bespoke rental solution for a Permit Office and a Tea Shack to be used on an accommodation vessel in the North Sea

In July 2014, Specialist Services was awarded a rental contract to deliver a Permit Office and a Tea Shack to support their client’s operation on an accommodation vessel in the North Sea for a period of 6 months.

Project: Permit Office and Tea Shack
Location: Accommodation vessel in the North Sea
Project Delivery: August 2014
Rental Period: 180 days

Project requirements

Specialist Services received a rental order from a client through Labtech Services Limited, a Specialist Services Company based in Aberdeen. The requirement included four 20ft office units to be converted into two bespoke units: a permit office and a tea shack.


The project was extremely complex in terms of deliverables for this multi-room, joined and pressurised hazardous area certified module.

In line with the client’s requirements and specifications, Specialist Services designed and modified four of their standard 20ft A60 office modules, by combining two 20ft modules as double-wide modular units, constructed to provide the permit office and tea shack. The modifications on the four modules were executed whilst maintaining all of the modules existing ATEX, DNV, A60 and CSC certification.


This was the first order Specialist Services received from the client and they had committed to an extremely short lead time of only 2 weeks. Due to the close coordination between Labtech and Specialist Services projects, engineering and production across all disciplines, the project was seamless in the execution phase and everything was successfully completed on time.

20 Man Accommodation Extension for SBM

Specialist Services has successfully completed the 20 man accommodation extension project awarded by SBM

On 2nd May 2013, SBM awarded Specialist Services the contract for EPC works for the 20 Man Accommodation module to be installed on a Floating Production Storage and Offloading (FPSO) for deep-water exploration and production offshore Brazil.

Project: 20 Man Accommodation Module for BC-10 ESP Rig-less Intervention System (RIS) Project
Client: SBM Malaysia
End User: Shell Global
Location: Victoria, Brazil
Project Completion: 19th September 2014

Project requirements

SBM had been awarded a project for the implementation of a vertical intervention approach utilizing a purpose built intervention facility mounted on to the BC-10 FPSO production facility. The function of the Rig-less Intervention System (RIS) is to facilitate replacement of worn or failed caisson based artificial lift systems deployed in the BC-10 field.

In order to facilitate the above, an additional modular accommodation for 20 persons was required and SBM awarded the project to Specialist Services. The scope of work included engineering, construction, outfitting, installation of equipment, testing and pre-commissioning of the 20 man modular accommodation. The project was required to be installed on the FPSO meeting the necessary interfaces with the existing accommodation block as well as the vessel itself.


The 20 man accommodation extension was engineered as five separately constructed but formable A60 rated modular accommodation units, each comprising two 2 man cabins with individual toilet / shower facility, split A/C unit, lockers, life jackets, desk, chair and a sofa. The project also included the supply of a sewage treatment plant module (STP), a potable water skid, a 1 meter high master skid as a foundation for the accommodation and STP modules, a walkway enclosure to protect the entrance walkways against blast and vertical and horizontal bumpers to facilitate installation offshore.

In line with SBM’s requirements, the modular accommodation has been designed and manufactured taking into account the essential interfaces between the unit and the existing accommodation block as well as between the unit and the vessel. Considered interfaces included fresh water, sewage, ventilation, electrical power and control systems, personnel access, fire detection and safety.

The accommodation unit is A60 certified with the design review and product certification approved by ABS. The modular accommodation with all installed equipment is compliant with:

  • Hazardous Area Classification – Class I Zone 2, Gas Group IIA
  • Brazilian regulatory compliance (NR13, NR 30 and NR 10)
  • ABS class rules Guide for Crew Habitability on Offshore Installations
  • Bahamas regulations on crew accommodation
  • IMO resolution A.468 (XII), SOLAS Chapter III Regulation 9


The project required complex engineering, coordination and construction due to the specific requirements related with existing interfaces and characteristics of the FPSO production facility. A number of specification and design changes were requested by the end user, which required additional works for vertical and horizontal bumpers, Telecom / PA system installation, walkway enclosure and other elements that were added to the contract during the project execution.

The pre-commissioning of the installed systems lasted around 50 days under close vigilance and inspection by the end user deployed in Specialist Services yard in Abu Dhabi. After successful site acceptance test of the accommodation module by SBM and Shell, the module was weighed and loaded out from the waterfront facility in Mussafah, Abu Dhabi on 19th September 2014.

The modules are planned to be installed and integrated on the Shell Global BC-10 FPSO Espirito Santo, Brazil offshore by March 2015.

The accommodation modules will cater to meet the additional capacity of persons that will be on board during the intervention function of the RIS on the BC-10 field.

24 Module Multi-Purpose TLQ Complex for Gulf Drilling International

Specialist Services designed and delivered a 24 module 46 man multi-purpose temporary living quarters (TLQ) complex on a rental basis for Gulf Drilling International

Gulf Drilling International (GDI) awarded Specialist Services a rental contract to deliver a 24 module, multi-purpose, DNV certified TLQ complex to support their operations in Qatar with minimum rental contract duration of 18 months.

Project: GDI Dixie Patriot Temporary Living Quarters Complex
Client: Gulf Drilling International
End User: Dolphin Energy
Location: Qatar
Project Completion: The project was handed over to the client within 2 months from the contract award

Project requirements

GDI required from Specialist Services a multi-purpose TLQ solution designed to support accommodation for 46 POB, including a modular walkway system on a minimal laydown area. GDI had specified DNV as the class society for the TLQ certification and A60 as the required fire rating for the modular complex. Due to a high level of H2S gas concentration at the client’s operation location in Qatar, Specialist Services were required to install additional gas detection and dampers in and around the modular complex, tied back to a dedicated gas panel in the vessel’s bridge for monitoring.


In line with all of the client’s requirements, Specialist Services supplied GDI with a 24 module TLQ complex comprising of accommodation, gymnasium, recreation, conference and locker rooms, offices and medic facilities with a complete bolted walkway system, all designed around a fully modular installation.

Due to the size of the facility and the client’s specifications, some of the modules had to be modified from their standard 20’ footprint by combining two 20’ modules as double-wide modular units constructed to support the recreation room, gymnasium and conference room. This was the first time that joined modules were completed by Specialist Services from existing Modular Hire fleet assets. All of this was done whilst maintaining all of the modules existing DNV, A60 and CSC certifications.


The walkways for the TLQ complex were designed and constructed using a fully weld free bolting design for the first time and were fabricated and installed on site within a 3-week project lead time. Additional gas detection and dampers were installed in and around the modular complex, tied back to a dedicated gas panel in the vessel’s bridge for monitoring, as required by the client.


The Dixie Patriot has been contracted by Dolphin Energy to provide additional accommodation for client personnel working on upgrades to Dolphin Energy’s Qatar based natural gas platforms. The project was completed on site at Damen Shipyards, Hamriyah Port – Ajman on board the GDI Dixie Patriot Lift-boat within the tight lead time of only 3 weeks and in line with the sailing of the vessel to Qatar, which was to set sail to the end user in Qatar.

The TLQ complex is currently still on rental at GDI Dixie Patriot Lift-boat and includes 11 four man accommodation units, 2 one man accommodation units, 2 four man office units, a 10 man conference room, a gymnasium unit, a 2 bed sickbay unit, 2 locker units, a 28 seat TV room and a galvanised walkway system.


The completion of this accommodation complex signified the largest TLQ solution delivered until December 2012, installed and commissioned by Specialist Services for a rental contract. This project opened an entire new market for the business as a provider of complete turnkey temporary accommodation complexes on both long and short term contracts.

Crude Oil Custody Transfer Metering System for Emerson

Specialist Services has successfully completed the Crude Oil Custody Transfer Metering System project awarded by Emerson

In September 2013, Emerson awarded Specialist Services the contract for a crude oil custody transfer metering system required for the Halfaya Project Surface Facility Phase Two.

Project: Crude Oil Custody Transfer Metering System
Client: Emerson
End User: Petrochina / MOC Iraq
Location: Iraq
Project Completion: May 2014

Project requirements

Emerson required a Crude Oil Custody Transfer Metering System for their Halfaya Project Surface Facility Phase Two to be installed in Iraq for Petrochina / MOC Iraq and subcontracted the project to Specialist Services. The main challenges in the project requirements included a tight deadline of less than 6 months for production and flow testing to be executed at Specialist Services prior to despatch and after the acceptance test the complete metering system was required to be handed over to the client for their own internal testing.


The Crude Oil Custody Transfer Metering System for Phase Two is composed of 32” skid inlet / outlet connection with three 16” duty metering streams and one 16” standby metering stream to measure the transfer of crude oil products. There are also included two additional 16” spare metering streams for future use. The system includes a bi-directional prover, sampling system with water injection skid and water draw system.

Based on strong in-house manufacturing capabilities, Specialist Services executed the whole project in less than 6 months, with all major works such as trial assembly, testing and re-installation of pipe works executed in April alone, which represents a record breaking production time for this size of metering system.

Flow testing using four pumps to generate a flow rate of 3200 m3/h at a pressure of 6 barg, circulating almost 24 hours through the entire metering system, was executed successfully and for the first time at Specialist Services. The testing was also witnessed by both a third party inspector (BV) and Halfaya – Petrochina and MOC from Iraq.


Even though a tight timeframe was committed for these major works to be carried out in April, the team completed all requirements on time and handed over the project to the client for their internal testing. After project completion and testing, Specialist Services team executed all packing and despatching of the whole metering system in less than 3 days. The project was then delivered to Emerson on 26th May 2014.

Considering the size of the project and tight deadline for major works completion, Emerson has demonstrated a confidence in our capabilities to deliver on time a quality project in line with all requirements.

The project installation in Iraq has been completed in August 2014.

48 Module 224 Man Accommodation Extension

Specialist Services announces the successful completion of the 48 module 224 man accommodation extension project for Sea Trucks Group within the agreed 16 weeks production period

In November 2013, Sea Trucks Group awarded Specialist Services the contract for a 48 module accommodation extension required on one of their DP3 offshore construction vessels deployed for accommodation support on the Arkutun-Dagi Project in Sakhalin, Russia.

Project: 48 module 224 man accommodation extension
Client: Sea Trucks Group
Project Completion: 5th March 2014

Project requirements

Sea Trucks Group required a temporary increase in capacity of the accommodation and associated facilities onboard of their offshore construction vessels to support the project in Sakhalin and has subcontracted the provision of the required 48 module 224 man accommodation extension to Specialist Services. With the project expected to commence in Q2 of 2014, an extremely tight production deadline of 16 weeks was agreed, with project completion by 5th March 2014. Considering the limited time available for the production and installation of the accommodation units, Sea Trucks Group has demonstrated a confidence in our capabilities to deliver this project on time. In fact Specialist Services ability to provide an overall solution for accommodation units on a sale and/or hire basis gave us a unique solution which assured the client that the installation was guaranteed to be completed on time.


The project was challenging from the very beginning with the production schedule reduced to 16 weeks and Maritime Labour Convention (MLC) with ABS Ship Rules to be complied with. In order to complete the project on time, engineering and fabrication had to be done in tandem and this could be achieved only through the close cooperation between client, contractor and surveyor. Our in depth knowledge and experience in building such projects allowed us to take on such risk.


Our team worked exceptionally hard throughout all stages of this project. 50 staff and an average of over 200 men in the yards worked daily on the project during the production period, while the Engineering Team prepared and issued over 400 drawings to the client, ABS and shop floor. In the end we completed the project and handed it over to Sea Trucks Group in line with the agreed completion date with the units dispatched within 2 days to the Jebel Ali Port for shipping.



All 48 units are fully compliant to ABS, SOLAS A60 and Maritime Labour Convention (MLC) requirement for Temporary Accommodation and have been completed in line with Sea Trucks Group requirements to be installed on the vessel in four levels. The accommodation extension includes 28 modules with 56 four man accommodation units, 6 modules with conference room and 10 four man office units, two recreation rooms, a galley and mess, as well as locker rooms, laundry units, common wet units, chiller and freezer units, dry stores and a linen store. The design was made to allow eased integration along with flexibility where these units are used. Design head of the structure will allow modules to be placed on Sea Trucks Group entire fleet of vessels and are not just project specific.

The installation of the accommodation extension on the vessel in Batam, Indonesia, has been completed end of May 2014.

58 Man Living Quarters for ConocoPhillips

Specialist Services announces the completion of the engineering, procurement, construction and load-out of a 58 Man Offshore Living Quarters on schedule, on budget and within weight requirements.

This project had a number of key factors that dictated its design and made it one of Specialist Services most challenging projects to date.

1. Weight Restrictions
A stringent weight restriction of maximum 750 tonnes for a single Lift was required by the Client and Owner. Specialist Services was able to meet this criterion by utilising their experience of design and fabrication through using a stressed skin structural design and lightweight materials such as GRP bathroom modules, aluminium helideck and fire divisions and others.

2. Fire Wall Systems
As the accommodation will be located on a Process Platform the external bulkheads were required to be a combination of J30 (Jet Fire) and H60 (Hydrocarbon) fire ratings with blast characteristics. Specialist Services extensive knowledge of fire and blast divisions has allowed for the successful use of the latest lightweight bulkhead systems integrating a stressed skin design, thus providing a protective barrier for those living and working within the module.

3. Safety
As the Accommodation is to be placed in a potentially Hazardous Area all external fittings such as HVAC equipment, lighting etc. were required to be Zone 2 compliant. The module is fitted out with the latest fire and gas safety warning and extinguishing systems.

4. Fit Out
The living quarters comprising of four levels was designed internally using marine quality, aesthetically pleasing finishes for furnishings and fittings in order to provide a comfortable working and living environment. It comprises offices, bedrooms, recreation area, gymnasium, galley, dining room, infirmary, laundry, mosque, electrical distribution room, TER room and control room. Load out of the building was undertaken successfully on Thursday, 29th May 2008. This the first leg of a 5,000 mile trip where the module will then become an integral part of the CPP deck being fabricated in Batam. The finished topsides are to be located in the North Belut Oil Field Indonesia.

Colin Forster – Project Director said, “We at Specialist Services are pleased to announce the successful completion of this 58 man living quarters module on time and within budget, and that the quality and the finishing detail surpassed the client’s expectations. The module which is destined for Indonesian waters has been fitted out to the latest IMO requirements”.

Colin continued: “Specialist Services has a unique position as designers and fabricators of topside modules because in addition to overall fabrication we also manufacture the majority of the components that go into the construction of these buildings. These include fire and blast doors, windows, bulkheads, wet units and furniture, all of which are certified by third parties. We are committed to providing safe and comfortable living environments for oilfield operating personnel around the world and are proud of our reputation in the market for excellent products”.

“This has been a successful project for us and we look forward to working once again with both the owner and client in the future,” concluded Colin.

Modular Construction Savings for Thailand’s Erawan Platform Living Quarters Extension

Specialist Services announces the completion of a 50 Man Offshore Living Quarters (LQ) Module extension now installed on the Erawan platform in the Gulf of Thailand. Designed and manufactured in 8 months, the LQ consists of 4, 2 and 1 Man Cabins laid out over 16 units on two levels.

Living Quarters of this size are normally manufactured as single jetty side modules and shipped for final installation using heavy lift crane barges which has high cost implications.

By ensuring that each unit weighed not more than 10 Tonnes, it was possible to utilise the existing platform crane and thus avoid the high cost and logistical problems of hiring a heavy lift barge. The units were fabricated and pre-assembled to form the complete living quarters in Specialist Services Dubai yard. Before disassembling the entire module services were tested and pre- commissioned to ensure dimensional and functionality of equipment prior to shipping.

All services including electrical, Plumbing, HVAC, Telecommunication and fire and gas systems were all pre-installed during manufacture. Special hook up connections were provided between each unit for disassembly at yard and reassembly at site thus allowing the modules to be quickly connected and commissioned.

The lightweight pre-engineered units considerably reduced the risk over heavy lift applications during offshore installation as they were easily handled and lifted from a supply vessel and maneuvered into position. Offshore installation and hook-up was undertaken by the clients own personnel.

The installation, hook-up and commissioning took just 8 weeks to complete. The existing Living Quarters remained operational during the installation process.

Bongkot Phase 4A LQ Platform Project

Project Name: Bongkot Phase 4A Living Quarters Platform Project

Client: PTTEP, Thailand

Main EPC Contractor: PT Gunanusa Utama Fabricators, (PTG) Indonesia

Specialist Services Scope of supply:

  • EPM (Engineering, Procurement and Management of the LQ portion of the project)
  • Manufacture and supply of certified doors, windows and wet units
  • Piping, instrumentation, electrical wiring, HVAC, F&G, etc.

Construction Time: 18 Months